Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wax Candle Molds India

temperatures ... First shopping rebajiles

Sun Solet,
vine'm a veure, a veure vine'm.

Sol, solet,
vine'm a veure que tinc fred.

Si tens fred,
posa't la capa, posa't la capa.

Si tens fred,
posa't la capa, i el barret

Y yo que soy muy buena, he hecho caso de la canción y evidentemente el sol ha lucido todo el día, eso si, abrigadita con mi capa y mi gorro!
Voy leyendo por diferentes blogs un cierto descontento o desencanto with discounts ... I'm being really happy! I bought different things and I'm really pleased with everything purchased content, so although I can not wait to come and the good weather and temperatures rise ... the cold these days I'm living with another optimistic because it is a good way to recoup some the latest shopping sales. In these photos release layer and the pouch, two purchases that I love!

  • Berska Texans (old) Jersey
  • Zara Boots MaryPaz
  • Zara Layer
  • Pimkie Cap White Bag


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